
Later by stephen king reviews
Later by stephen king reviews

Like I said, any quote from the book would give away the plot, which is half the fun, but here goes – randomly selected: Jamie has to deal with what he does now, which will have a result… later. The speaker, “Jamie”, is a precocious child, with a talent that forces him into thinking like an adult – doing that thing that children’s brains are not yet good at doing: considering the repercussions of their actions. (I’m too old for that.) But in this novel, it did not bother me. Normally I do not read books where children are the main characters, especially when they speak in the first person. The protagonist is a 23-year-old adult, recalling what had happened to him as a 13-year-old teenager.

later by stephen king reviews

Saying more would be giving away the plot, but I’m telling you, that word “later” had me chewing my nails in anticipation.

later by stephen king reviews

It is an ingenious spin on police detective work and involves a lot of dead – but not silent – people, and a corrupt and possibly insane female cop. I read it in one sitting because I really needed to know what was going to happen. It is very, very smart and suspenseful – from the intriguing title, to the well-paced plot, to the interesting and unpredictable characters. King is really at the top of his game with this novel. It was quite like that and it was fantastic! I have not had so much fun reading a thriller in ages! Just an unapologetic dose of “ultra-violence”, as Anthony Burgess called it in A clockwork Orange. Having figured this out, I knew what to expect: a short, shocking thriller with no wasted words, no navel-gazing, and no poetic prose.

Later by stephen king reviews